#SingYourHeartsOut Update

We have let you have your say in response to our #SingYourHeartsOutCampaign and the response has been incredible with the majority backing the campaign so before we continue we must thank you all for getting behind our vision.

Many people have suggested bringing the drum back which is a possibility but unfortunately Alex who is the one who owns the drum has declared that it is broke and hasn’t been able to replace it due to finances!

So we turn to you, our fellow Salopians to help with donations to fund for a brand new drum. We have contacted Salop Music and are pricing up a brand new drum to use at all Salop games and hopefully if things go well we will have the new drum at the Dagenham game.

As well as that we are looking at different ideas for the 3 other home games which we have left in the season and we will have something to announce in the next 48 hours in regards to the Exeter game. Also we are drawing up a few ideas for the Plymouth game which will hopefully be a complete sell out in anticipation for the promotion party (Championship party even). Obviously everything we do will be put to the club first and we will be looking for co-operation from all parties involved to make sure we don’t upset everyone.

As always we are still looking for your ideas as to what you think we could do to improve the atmosphere at Greenhous Meadow. You can send all ideas to salopsbluearmy@gmail.com or tweet us @SalopsBlueArmy and we will take all ideas in to account.

As said before we do thank everyone for all your support so far and we hope to make #SingYourHeartsOut campaign a successful one and make Greenhous Meadow a noisy, hostile stadium.


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